Yeah but... 888 days of carpet bombing in Ukra$ne and 280-odd days of carpet bombing Gaza have NOTHING to do with our hazy skies? Thousands (if not millions) of tons of things that go boom have NO effect on weather, health and other living things? How come no one studies that?

PS: Been to the Golan Heights. The Druse are correct. It was a stray Iron Dome missile that murdered their kids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo5tNv8ZHlM

PPS: Thanks again for making me think.

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I read the Cradle report. It claimed the "stray Iron Dome missile" on the basis of eyewitness reports and from talking to an ambulance worker. How can eyewitnesses tell what a missile is, given how fast it travels? Did they examine the remnants? They weren't even watching for a flying object, not that they could have made out what it was anyway. And how did the ambulance worker know? Did he examine the remnants? The Cradle referenced a page which is in Arabic script.

I don't simply "believe" any account. I demand FACTS, as an investigative reporter.

"888 days of carpet bombing in Ukra$ne and 280-odd days of carpet bombing Gaza have NOTHING to do with our hazy skies? "

The runaway warming started WAY before 2/24/22. I've been studying it since the 1980s. Sorry, you are simply trying to blame everything on wars, when in fact it's the daily operation of global industrial capitalist civilization since the 1750s which bears the overwhelming share of the blame for the runaway warming.

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